What Does HIPAA Consulting Company Mean?


HIPAA Consulting

The healthcare industry needs to protect the patient data while storing and transmitting in the electronic form. The patient’s medical information needs to be kept confidential and secure. There is a HIPAA that provides data privacy and security provisions to make the medical information safe.

HIPAA - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act offers a set of standards. It applies to any medical practice, health insurance plan, third-party clearing house and any of the businesses involved with healthcare. There are entities that are lawfully compliant. These entities are called ‘covered entities’.

There are companies that offer HIPAA compliance certification, assessments and audits. A HIPAA consulting company can help you get HIPAA compliance. These companies help the clients to achieve their compliance goals. 

HIPAA certification process

The certification process is as follows:

The company will assess all the main elements of the business and define the actions to be taken within the scope as per the business requirements.

A gap assessment is done in which certified auditors will take a closer look at the business processes, various controls implemented, existing business requirements and the potential business requirements. This is compared to the HIPAA compliance requirements.

An internal audit is done by the qualified auditors to determine the status of the HIPAA controls implemented that follow the regulations and the business policy procedure requirements.

Benefits of HIPAA compliance

The following are the benefits of being HIPAA compliant:

Being HIPAA compliant reduces the risk of data breaches and this will lead to reduced loss of business.

By being HIPAA compliant you can showcase that you are committed to protecting the data. This will help to build trust and confidence between the business and the customers. This will lead to an increase in the business.

When you follow the compliance standards there will be less data security threats and this will help to build the reputation of your business. When the data gets compromised it leads to a negative effect on the business.

The standard makes sure that the businesses keep the sensitive medical information protected in their physical network and they take all the measures to keep it protected.


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