
Showing posts from July, 2015

Tungsten Disulfide-a Life-Saving Compound And Used In High Pressure Applications!

Tungsten Disulfide | Image Resource : Have you ever tried to find out how useful the different chemical compounds can be in our daily lives? If you have are not well know of this fact then do some research because you may never know when and how the different chemical compounds can act in our favour. Before discarding such chemical compounds we should be aware of their multifunctional properties and use them in different ways which can be interrelated to other compounds. What is Tungsten Disulfide? It is a dry and solid lubricant powder and one of the most lubricious substances which offers excellent dry lubricity which is very rare to find in other chemical compounds. Tungsten Disulfide is used in high temperature and high pressure applications. It can also be used instead of Mos2.Two ways in which this powder can be used is mixing this powder with wet lubricants such as oil, grease and other synthetic lubricants . This will enhance lubricity of the...